Thursday, 9 May 2013

Interesting Facts about Fruits and Vegetables


Apples are rich in fibre and Vitamin C.
They can also help keep you awake better than drinking a cup of coffee. There’s a scientific behind that explanation (sugar instead of caffeine) but methinks it’s all that chewing we have to do!
There’s an interested Korean saying about apples: An apple in the morning is gold, an apple in the afternoon is silver and an apple in the evening is poison. This negates the above fact which means we can only switch caffeine with apple in the morning.
Apples help prevent cancer, heart disease, asthma and Type II Diabetes.


There are more than a 100 varieties of bananas.
Bananas are packed with energy. Their natural sugars provide an instant boost of energy
Which is why they are the most consumed fruit among top athletes.
They regulate blood pressures (potassium) and build bone strength (magnesium).


An orange contains the amount of vitamin C that a healthy adult should eat daily.
Brazil produces the largest amount of oranges in the world
If left on a tree, an orange will not become overripe even though it will change its colour back to green (from orange).


Strawberries are the only fruit that have seeds on the outside.
An average strawberry has 200 seeds
It is a member of the Rose family which means that technically, it’s not a fruit but a receptacle of a flower.
There is a museum in Belgium just for strawberries



Potatoes are 20% solid and 80% water
It is the most popular vegetable in the world – thanks to French fries.
Potato is the fourth most important crop in the world. It is preceded by corn, wheat and rice.


Tomato is actually a fruit but a US Supreme Court ruling in 1893 made it a vegetable.
The French used to refer to Tomato as the apple of love
The British and the Americans thought tomato was beautiful but poisonous when it was first introduced
There are at least 10,000 varieties of tomatoes


Cucumbers are 95% water
They contain most of the vitamins you need every day
Pressing a slice of cucumber to the roof of your mouth for 30 seconds takes care of bad breath
Placing a slice of cucumber on your eyes can cool them and reduce puffiness.

Done by Salma

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